Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Virtual Schools

This week in our grad school class we are talking about "virtual schools." We watched a video on one such program and were asked to comment on our thoughts.

I think that Virtual Schools provide an amazing opportunity for parents who would choose that route over brick and mortar schools. I appreciate how the introduction of new technologies allows more interaction (virtually) between students and teachers or each other, but I am not convinced that this route is more beneficial than a brick and mortar classroom.

I think the idea of supplementing the traditional education with virtual learning opportunities combines the best of both worlds and keeps students from being at a disadvantage from any of their peers.

I also like the idea of using virtual schools as a way for students to take advanced courses that may not otherwise be available.

So, those are my thoughts. I am not sold on Virtual as the only way, but do see the benefits of combining it with the tradtional.


  1. I agree with you on the point that virtual classrooms should be supplemental if not optional, particularly for advanced courses. I think moderation is the way to go for virtual and traditional classrooms (or "blend").

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I also agree with combining virtual with traditional schooling. Especially at the elementary through high school levels students need time with other students their age and hands on opportunities for learning.
